
Schirg, Florian



accent Inkubator GmbH - accent - accelerating ideas

Viktor-Kaplan Str. 2/Haus C/2. Stock
2700 Wiener Neustadt



Fachgebiet / Branche

  • Chemie
  • Energiewirtschaft
  • Finanz-, Versicherungswesen
  • Kreativwirtschaft
  • Kommunikations- und Informationstechnologie (inkl. Mobile Services, Software)
  • Maschinenbau / Mechanik
  • Mechatronik
  • Social Business


  • Export
  • Finanzierung / Finanzplanung
  • Geschäftsmodellentwicklung
  • Marketing
  • Organisation
  • Patent / Markenrecht
  • Projektmanagement
  • Steuern


Florian Schirg has started out in the Austrian Start-up scene at a time when start-up companies was not yet known widely – through the WU major “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”. Besides consulting numerous startups ever since, e.g. in matters of strategy, business modelling and planning, and the strategic management of intellectual property, he has deepened his interest in space exploration, research and technology and combined them with innovation management and entrepreneurship, especially in the area of technology transfer with start-ups and spin-offs. The space sector particularly benefitted from start-ups that have changed its landscape considerably in the past decades ever since the original “Ansari X Prize” was created in 1996 to foster and incentivize space entrepreurship. Successful space start-ups were then believed to rather be a fiction (“The fastest way to make a small fortune in the aerospace industry is to start with a large one.” – Elon Musk) and now we already do have several of them in Lower Austria (e.g. ENPULSION, AT Space, Team Tumbleweed and more to come).

Florian feels privileged and happy to work with outstanding Lower Austrian high-tech startups, many of which are also transferring cutting edge technology from CERN or the space sector into their respective markets. His history of working as a professional in the technology transfer and research industry with international experience on numerous continents puts him into an exciting position in between a range of groundbreaking innovative communities that he seeks to connect for mutual benefit and learning.

accent is the Lower Austrian Tough-Tech incubator and part of the Austrian AplusB-network (Academia plus Business) serving as the technology transfer hub for CERN and aerospace-related technologies.